Our jumpseat at the table

As a work group we have extensive influence and a “seat at the table” already. Here is an overview of the various committees and programs that allow us to be active participants and hold influence over our own work rules, compensation, benefits and work environment. Scroll to the end to see the results we’ve achieved from our collaboration. 

Inflight Values Committee (IVC)

JetBlue’s Inflight Values Committees help keep our culture strong. These peer-elected Crewmembers are our voice, advocating on behalf of fellow Crew. The teams collaborate directly with Inflight leadership and work to ensure Crewmembers have an incredible career and a positive work environment. The five IVC committees include:

Cabin Experience


This team is involved with most aspects of how we deliver the JetBlue Experience onboard — everything from napkins and cups, to product ideas and menu items. They have been a part of our EatUp Café launch and menu evolvement, our Onboard Recycling program, service tools and delivery changes, and special onboard promotions. Look for the team at the bases when new initiatives roll out to educate fellow Crew.

Quality of Life


This team has a hand in everything. They have been instrumental in revamping our dependability policy, giving insight on compensation and work rules reviews, suggesting policy changes (like Leaves of Absences), and implementing positive Inflight work enhancements like our Out of Position scheduling code and Crewmember Pledges.



The go-to group for understanding seniority, bids, and awards. They work closely with Crew Planning before and after each monthly bid and award process to provide feedback and keep quality of life top of mind. 



This team helps drive home the importance of our #1 value, Safety. The group is extremely knowledgeable about our FAM, policies and regulations, plus FARs. Look for special activities each year during June’s National Safety Month. You’ll notice they collaborate with the Benefits team a lot, since taking care of yourself outside of work is an important element of safety, too.



This team spends a lot of time educating hotels on how to accommodate JetBlue Crew and ensuring our specific needs are met; everything from timely transportation and food/beverage discounts, to having refrigerators and microwaves in the room. They scout out potential properties, negotiate new and existing hotel contracts, and do site visits with an extensive checklist to ensure consistency throughout our hotels. Look for their monthly email update, it’s a popular read.

Inflight Frontline Compensation Advisory Team (IFCAT)

An important part of our culture is providing opportunities for frontline Crewmembers to get involved and work directly with leaders. The IFCAT team reviews the pay scales/other pay elements of other airlines, and uses this information (along with your feedback from the survey) to shape their recommendations for Inflight’s future pay.

SpeakUp Surveys

SpeakUp is a chance for Crewmembers to help shape the future of JetBlue as we continue to evolve our experience. Crewmembers participate in surveys twice a year, once during the company-wide survey in October and again in a random selected survey between January and September. 

Great things happen when we communicate candidly. Feedback is essential to helping leaders continuously evolve the Crewmember experience as we strive to keep things fresh and engaging for our Customers. Crewleaders, SpeakUp Ambassadors, Values Committees and the Crewmember Insights Team use data gathered from the SpeakUp Survey to create goals and action plans throughout the year.

Aircraft Reconfiguration Steering Committee (ARSC)

The Aircraft Reconfiguration Steering Committee (ARSC) is made up of Inflight Crewmembers from all bases and seniorities to bring different perspectives. Formed in January 2015, the team is committed to keeping you in the loop because the work they do affects every Inflight Crewmember. Together, the group handles key decisions including: determining which new galley reconfiguration to recommend to Executive Leadership and helping develop elements of the new layout from start to finish.

Tell Inflight

Tell Inflight is a reporting tool for Inflight Crewmembers to share feedback on all aspects about your work day (e.g. onboard recycling, incorrect catering, or dirty aircraft carpets) – with the exception of Tech Ops issues, which must be reported to the Flight Deck. The Tell Inflight team, including two Special Assignment Inflight Crewmembers, looks through all Crewmember reports and photos on a daily basis. They categorize each one and send it to the right JetBlue team for follow-up.

Our Direct Relationship Results

Here are achievements we’ve successfully made through collaboration between leadership and our committees and programs to our work rules, compensation, benefits and work environment.


IFCAT reviewed the collective bargaining agreements (union contracts) for nine peers including:

This graph shows the comparison of JetBlue’s 2016, 2017, & 2018 Inflight Pay Rates with peer averages, published in the 2016 IFCAT results brochure.  All figures included any pay scales negotiated for peers through 2017. 


Following crewmember and IVC feedback, the following improvements were made to Crew Services & Crew Support: